Thursday, September 4, 2008

This Week in Chuck...

The new season of Gossip Girl premiered this week and it was good to have it back. I won't bore you with the details since I know I'm the only one who cares, but I have one thing to declare: even when Gossip Girl is bad, it's so good. We fans like to get online and dissect the pros and cons of each episode, but the fact is, it wouldn't be Gossip Girl if Chace Crawford could act, or if the clothes weren't ridiculous, or if Chuck and Blair didn't think they were Valmont and the Marquise de Merteuil, or if Jenny wasn't boring, we didn't hate Vanessa, Blake Lively could speak without marbles in her mouth, or Dan wasn't being a sanctimonious ass. These flaws have become such an expected part of the show, that while I always enjoy an episode with realistic character growth and impressive acting, an episode with spectacularly implausible situations, a naked Chace Crawford monotoning through his scenes, and some good Dan-hate is almost as enjoyable.

So in that tradition, I am going to celebrate weekly one of the most ludicrous elements of the show, and my personal favorite: the wardrobe of Chuck Bass. (I may have mentioned this before. Hee hee.)

Honorable Mention: the croquet uniform. Yes, Chuck Bass plays croquet. Why am I surprised. I couldn't get a picture of it, but he's also wearing knee high argyle socks that match his sweater. And those are shorts.

The Winner: the White Party suit. At a party filled with white, and only white, Chuck Bass wears a suit with black piping (hello, yes, he's the bad boy, we know!) reminiscent of the suit my dad wore on his wedding day. In 1979. There was even piping down the sides of his pants. But, in true Chuck Bass style, the ascot was back (yes!) and he wore sunglasses hanging from his shirt all day as decoration, as he never donned them once.


Heather said...

Hi! Miss you! So I saw a commercial for gossip girl the other day, and for a second I contemplated adding it to my TV agenda.

Al the Gal said...

Well, as much as I'd love having another GG fan reading all the crap I'm bound to write about it, I don't know if it would be your cup of tea. Dammit Heather, you're just too freaking mature!!! :)

As I've gotten older I've just had to accept that there are some people who, regardless of their age, will always love teen dramas, and some people who won't. And I think we might be sitting on opposite sides of that fence.

I mean, I just made a Dawson's Creek shipper video the other day. DAWSON'S CREEK!!! How is it possible that I still love it, knowing what a steaming pile of crap it was??? Whereas I'm pretty sure you stopped caring when we were 17 and never looked back. Lucky you! But if you ever do try GG, I'd love the company! Love you!