Monday, April 14, 2008

What I Love Right Now


Okay, I know this is going to place me in the top pantheon of nerdom - after disclosing my Harry Potter, Lost and Star Wars obsessions, how can I possibly escape? - but I stand by this choice. Admittedly this is the most firmly "sci-fi" of the group, but it is so much more than that. First of all, it avoids most of the glib science-related talk that turns most people off to the genre. Yes, it deals with cyborgs and spaceships and "jumps" (like light speed), but most of that stuff isn't really referred to explicitly. Second, it has a wonderful storyline that really explores humanity in all it's facets.

The Cylons ma
y be robots, but the seven human-like models are far more than logical computer-based programming: they have their own religion based on One God (more like Christianity than the humans more Greek/Roman system), they have feelings, conflicts, and now look as though they're headed for their own civil war! (On last Friday's episodes the 1, 4 and 5 models disagreed with the 2, 6 and 8 models leading Natalie-Six to take them out by freeing the soldier-like Centurions to make their own decisions! Yeah, I know you don't know what any of that means, but it was very exciting and it taking the show in an entirely fabulous direction!) They may have wiped out most of humanity in the miniseries, but the show has made them an understandable, fascinating and sympathetic villain by having them question their own motivations, and forcing us to question whether humanity was really worthy of survival.

It has a wonderful cast and is another one of those situations where too many amazing characters exist to have a favorite. Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell lead an impressive cast as the "mommy and daddy" of the fleet; she's President Laura Roslin, cool head, big heart, implacable logic, and he is Admiral William Adam, formidable and stone-faced, but has adopted at least 5 other characters as surrogate children. They are acting powerhouses. But there's also Lee "Apollo" Adama (cute Jamie Bamber) as the Admiral's son, Kara "Starbuck" Thrace (Katee Sackhoff) as the hotshot, troubled, love-her-or-hate-her pilot, and Gaius Balter (James Callis), the genius, Cylon-collaborator, and also the most selfish person in the world, but a great character and necessary element on the show. I could go on, I love all these characters. Sharon "Athena" Agathon (Grace Park) is the only Cylon welcomed in the fleet and she is married to Helo (Tahmoh Penikett), my favorite (he's such an awesome friend when they write him correctly!), as well as Chief Tyrol, the heart of Galactica, not to mention Tricia Helfer as Caprica-Six, another Cylon whose is definitely the most sympathetic and intriguing model, not to mention an awesome and hot actress!

I could try explaining why the show is so great, plot-wise, but I would just confuse you. It's too complicated to condense in a paragraph. I will say that it has stayed true to it's original premise - humanity in search of Earth - while also managing to explore current and relevant topics of war, abortion, race, faith and religion. The show is so subtly written that these topics manage to be apparent and yet aren't shoved in your face; the bare bones sci-fi plot is entertaining on it's own. If you wanna see something funny and educational, watch this 8-minute clip that explains the first 3 seasons. It's called "What the Frak is up with Battlestar Galactica? And, yes, as you may have heard, they say "Frak" all the time on this show! It's really quite brilliant - they sound like they're cussing, which makes the show more realistic, but is placates the censors! It's pretty fun to say too, though to do so in public brands you the ultimate pathetic geek, so I won't!

The fourth and final season just premiered two weeks ago, and I am stoked! So far, the first two episodes haven't disappointed and I am so excited to see where it all leads! If you feel curious, rent the 2003 miniseries - it's really fun, and if you're not intrigued after that, well, no harm done.


Heather said...

Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica.

Al the Gal said...

I know. I have things in common with Dwight. He likes Harry Potter too. Should I be worried?

Damon said...

Heroes, Lost, and Battlestar are my favorite shows on tv.

Damon said...

Allison have you seen Battlestar Razor? If not go rent it. It's kinda of a spinoff about the Battlestar Pegasus.

Top 10 reasons to watch the new season of Battlestar Galactica

Al the Gal said...

I missed "Razor" when it was on TV, but I know I need to see it. Until about three weeks ago I had only seen the miniseries and season 3, but there was a marathon on Sci-Fi and I caught up on most of season 2. However, I missed the episodes about Pegasus. I really need to find and rent Seasons 1 & 2. I know what happens, but I still need to see them.

I'm so glad you like it too! I feel like such a nerd talking about all my sci-fi loves here sometimes cause no one else seems to dig it!

Al the Gal said...

Btw, that Top 10 list was awesome!