Saturday, February 2, 2008

Is Top Gun actually in the closet?

I have fallen in love with a new blog. Found it linked on Ebert's homepage, and it's written by fellow Chicago Sun-Times critic Jim Emerson. The blog jumps around a lot, but really delves into that intense analysis that I always admired, but could never quite follow - or produce on my own - in film class. Wow, reading this thing is going to make me a billion times smarter. Here's the link.

I was shuffling through old posts and found this gem of a video espousing the theory that Top Gun is the "gayest movie ever made." This intrigued me (especially in light of Heather and I's recent conversation about the Quantum Hotness Principle, still in development, firmly demonstrated in Top Gun, specifically the volleyball scene) so I gave the video a watch and it cracked me up. Beware of the cussing (it has Top Gun clips, but also a lot of Quentin Tarantino swearing, in the
1994 movie Sleep With Me, as he talks about the innuendo and hidden meanings), but do enjoy!

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