Friday, February 8, 2008

Coming Soon

I'm one of those ridiculously anal people who goes to the movies not only for the main show, but for the previews. In fact, if I'm getting to the movie too late, I might just see something else for fear I miss not only the beginning of the film, but the previews as well. I love getting those small, but tantalizing peaks into the future and getting excited for what's to come. I really love it when I've never heard of the film and the preview is a complete and wondrous surprise. That happened to me with Atonement and I immediately looked it up when I got home and waited impatiently for it to arrive in theaters. That experience is essential to my love of not only film, but going to the theater. So here are some of the trailers I've seen recently that have me whetting my appetite.

THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL: I've always enjoyed historical epics, but over the last few years have become especially fascinated with the rule of England in the 16th and 17th centuries. So this film about the Boleyn sisters (Mary and Anne, the latter who would become King Henry VIII's second wife, and mother of Elizabeth I) seems perfect for me, not to mention it stars Eric Bana, Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman.

THE DARK KNIGHT: My enthusiasm for this film has been somewhat dampened by Heath Ledger's recent death, but nonetheless, I am so excited for this movie. The Batman series has always been my favorite superhero franchise, and Christopher Nolan has done a stupendous job re-energizing it. Christian Bale is a great Batman, and it looks like Ledger and Aaron Eckert will be wonderfully scary villains. Plus, they replaced Katie Holmes with Maggie Gyllenhaal, which will be a marked improvement in the acting category.

DEFIANCE: This is a story about WWII, but it doesn't look like a version I've seen before. Apparently based on a true story, this one follows three Russian brothers who protect and hide Jews while training them for combat. It stars Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, and Jaime Bell as the brothers. All great actors.

Directed by and starring George Clooney, and co-starring Renee Zellweger and John Krasinski! this is about the origins of professional football, with Clooney and Jim as teammates fighting over the same girl. It looks like a good time and the trailer makes me laugh.

Heather told me about this one first and I finally saw it last week. I was originally excited about the eye candy (Ryan Phillippe, Channing Tatum and Joseph Gordon-Levitt), but after seeing the preview, I'm intrigued by the story about Iraq veterans whose tours are continuously extended.

I'm also psyched about Wanted, The Duchess, Charlie Bartlett, Speed Racer and Mamma Mia. I noticed they are remaking Prom Night and it's only rated PG-13. Come on! A decent horror movie should at least be rated R! I'm not talking a good thriller or suspense film, but HORROR! Especially a remake. Come on...

Here's my favorite trailer for Across the Universe. It came out on DVD this week, and this version has one of my favorite songs and sequences from the film.


Heather said...

Love this post.

1) I too LOVE the previews, and what makes me more angry than anything is when they show TV commercials during the previews. If I wanted to see a TV commercial, I would watch TV. Also, a recently at our local theatre they've been showing this horrific music video/commercial for the national guard. Way too much national pride all in one span, it last like 5 mins, and it has nothing to do with the movies. That shit should be illegal.

2) Had a revelation this morning - remember when we were talking about the quantum hotness factor, and how when a hot character dies too early, it should subtract from the movie's total score? Well, what if that happens in Stop-Loss? I have a feeling I may be sheading a tear for one or many of the hotties in that film. Let's go see it when I get back to Oregon and continue our "Life's Work" in researching the Quantum Hotness Factor.

Al the Gal said...

Heather, if you're not careful you're gonna start posting comments as long as mine!

I also HATE freakin' commercials at the theater, and while I don't think the ones I've seen last 5 minutes, there is invariably some stupid Army/Navy/Marine/National Guard promo airing. It's just so wrong.

We should definitely go see Stop-Loss together! Then you won't have to feel guilty for oogling the hot guys! There were conspicuous amounts of graves in that preview, so you may be right about a death in the hotness fold. And yes, the Quantum Hotness Principle will need some diligent hours of research and development.

Heather said...

Yes, I noticed that my commenting might be getting out of hand, but i said...what the heck, you only live once.

I can't help that I get riled up about national guard music video/commercials when I'm just trying to take in a nice movie.