Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mark Wahlberg on SNL

I originally found both of these videos over on the Cooler blog (to check out the original entries click here and here) so I can't take credit for discovering them on my own, but they were just so funny I had to share.

The first is a sketch from SNL called "Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals" that aired two weeks ago. What made it so funny to me was that I had just watched The Happening and that mixture of tough guy bravado and eager sincerity so often employed by Wahlberg's acting (especially in The Happening) is so spot-on skewered by this sketch. I don't count myself in the camp thinking Wahlberg is a horrible actor, but I can't deny that when he's miscast or trying to play this tough-but-sincere-role, he unfortunately sounds just like this.

The second clip is when Wahlberg stopped by SNL the following week to poke fun at himself and the sketch. Both clips are hilarious.

1 comment:

Heather said...


I dont' care what anyone says, I think he's awesome.