Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blankets with Sleeves!!!

Caught this commercial a couple weeks ago and it sent me into quite an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Witness the blanket with sleeves!

While I get what they're going for, how hard is it really to just reach out of the blanket to grab what you need? I don't think the sleeves are necessary. Plus, they make the wearer look like a member of a cult. The shot of an entire family sitting around the campfire, all wearing these blanket/coats? Eerily similar to a sacrificial gathering. (It also reminded me of the Season 2 episode of "Angel" where there was a vampire cult pyramid scheme and all the members wore colored robes to signify their level.) I don't think that's what the makers were going for!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Zeb and I crack up about this too. They DO look like a cult! How did the people not figure this out before they wasted all their money making them!?