Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Blog!

Found this blog a few weeks ago and it has been consistently cracking me up ever since. Entitled the FAIL BLOG it compiles pictures and videos sent in from readers to show examples of signs, buses, advertising, packaging and other basic things not accomplishing what they set out to do, hence FAILING! (Like a sign that reads "Open 25 Hours" - obviously a big fail!)

So far my favorite has been this little excerpt taken from a forum page where a poster with the heading "book rental service?" wrote this:

"was just thinking, my sister does -alot- of reading, and spends like $1000 a year on just books alone, most of them she reads once then never looks at again, is there any kind of rental store but for books? would make things alot cheaper, plus once one person has read one the next person can get enjoyment from it etc"

I was laughing over this one for days.

This blog is now listed in my links in case you ever wanna check it out. It should provide ample chuckles, especially in the middle of a boring work day. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

That is sooo funny! 'Video store' for books!!!

Al the Gal said...

I know. It's a sad state of affairs when you've never heard of a library!

Keep reading the blog - they are many more hilarious fails!