Friday, June 13, 2008

Because Tonight's the Midseason Finale...

Just be happy that they're not "Gossip Girl"!

This has been an awesome season of "Battlestar Galactica" and in that spirit I found some videos. I know, I know, but they're not all shipper vids; I made a concentrated effort to find videos about the show in general. I realize there are probably only two people who read this blog that actually care about BSG and less than that care about these videos, but I don't care.

  • This vid uses the score from the show and pairs is with random character moments and lots of BSG's particularly excellent space porn! Beware of the violence.

  • I know I promised minimal shipper goodness, but this is an Adama/Roslin vid, and in honor of their finally admitting they are in love, I thought it was appropriate. Plus the song is the Oscar-winner from Once so....automatically better!

So I'm praying that none of the Final Five kick the dust in tonight's finale, but the way this season has been going, you just never know; someone has died in practically every episode, and they're almost out of non-main characters to kill. I just pray that they don't ruthlessly airlock Tigh, Tyrol, or Anders cause these characters have really grown on me. Also, Roslin is finally awesome again, so please don't kill her either. And if Helo dies anytime before the very end, I will not forgive you show!


Damon said...

I invited Heather over but she is lame. Time to go watch bsg

Heather said...

Damon would reply to this.

p.s. what is a mid-season finale? im so confused.

Damon said...

Wow what an awesome episode.

Al the Gal said...

Because BSG is Sci-Fi channel's only big money-maker, they usually air the first 10 episodes, have a midseason finale, and then 6 months or so (depending) later, they air the final 10. Any way to drag the marketing season out for longer.

Haven't watched it yet! Watching the midnight repeat! I'm nervous....

Heather said...

Also, what is with your fear of main characters dieing off all the time now? First SATC & now this?! Gal! Get a grip on yourself!!! ;)

Al the Gal said...

Okay, my fear of Big dying was unwarranted, but people die on BSG all the time!!! Plus, it being the last season, everyone is fair game and from comments the cast has made, I don't think the show will end happily for most characters. They've already killed someone on almost every episode this season and they're about out of redshirts - gonna have to get to the main characters sometime. There was actually a high possibility of certain characters dying last night....


....but no one did, whew!!!

P.S. Damon!!! That was amazing!!! I will definitely have to blog about it!