Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Perfect Movie Scene Day

About a week ago, one of my links was to a blog called "My Perfect Day Composed of Movie Scenes." (If you haven't read it, please do so - so fun!) Of course, this gave me the brilliant idea to make my own - another variation on my infamous lists! Yes! I followed the rules set by the original poster, and have done my best to come up with a really fun day full of great movie scenes. There are plenty more (I could have done an entire list of only musical numbers I'd want to take part in), but some movie scenes I love I wouldn't want to honestly be there for, and there were also more than one that took place at the same time, so I had to choose. Here are the rules I followed:

You can completely disregard geography for the purpose of this exercise, however - I’ll grant you back-to-back escapades in New York and China, for instance. But aim for the general time frame - if it took place at midnight in the movie, you can’t do it at ten in the morning. There’s also flexibility regarding if you would take the place of a specific character, or just tag along a yourself (you can do both/either).

Hope you enjoy and I'd lo
ve to hear feedback on the scenes YOU would love to be part of!

  • 8:00 am: Over a breakfast of coffee and scones, do the Times crossword with Dan Burns and family. It's the boys vs. the girls to get the same crossword done first, and all the members of the family in Dan in Real Life are smart and funny - plus Steve Carell is there. Sounds like a great way to start the day!
  • 8:45 am: Sneak aboard the tour bus in Almost Famous for a rousing and inspiring round of "Tiny Dancer." Singing along with the radio is always fun and having Stillwater, Penny Lane and William Miller accompany me sounds so awesome. Doesn't Elton John bring everyone together?
  • 10:15am: Drop by Championship Vinyl to make top 5 lists, harass customers and feel superior with Rob, Dick and Barry. Nobody makes a better list than the guys from High Fidelity, and it would be cool to hang out in a record store listening to great music.
  • 12:15am: Fill in for Uma Thurman as she stops by Bud's trailer in Kill Bill Vol. 2. I get to kick Elle Driver's slimy, superior ass, drown her in a toilet, and rip out her remaining eye. I also get to enjoy the following show of Elle flailing around, freaking out about her recent blindness, with Bud's premade slushy margaritas to drink while I watch.
  • 1:30pm: I'll be pretty tired after that ass-kicking, so I'll stop by the cafe for lunch and a energetic chorus of "King of New York" with the gang from Newsies. Totally fun song, young Christian Bale attempting a New Yawk accent, dancing on table tops, spinning from ceiling fans - a great lunchtime show and a chance to rest my fighting muscles.
  • 3:00pm: Horseback riding with Jim Craig in the Australian Outback. Seriously, did you ever have a The Man From Snowy River fascination? I grew up with this one and honestly, nothing looks more exhilarating than riding these beautiful mountain horses along ravines with gorgeous views and that film's amazing score playing in the background.
  • 4:45pm: Crash a wedding with Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. As long as I resist their bag of female seduction tricks, I get to have a great time at a high class wedding with good looking guests, first class food, free booze, lots of dancing, and the most raucous rendition of "Shout" I have ever seen. Plus my stop by Wedding Crashers will give me ample time to eat and gear up for the long night ahead.
  • 7:30pm: Watch the sunset with Becky in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Gilbert will have just left to go give Arnie a bath, so I'll have Becky and her sweet, insightful words of wisdom all to myself. She's one of my favorite characters of all time and I can't imagine a better evening than sitting in the hay bales, watching a Midwestern sunset, and having quasi-philosophical debate will such a cool chick.
  • 9:00pm: Invisible food fight! Run by Hook, enjoy some invisible food for desert, then get into one of the most fun-looking food fights I've ever seen with Robin Williams (as adult Peter Pan) and an entire crew of cute, cuddly, rowdy Lost Boys.

  • 10pm: Partying it up with Leo, Kate and the entire steerage class of the Titanic. Celtic music, crazy dances, cute kids, watching Kate down beer and stand on her tip toes, a conga line? Puh-leaze. I am so there. Did I mention I love Celtic music?!? And, bonus, this isn't the day the Titanic sinks, so I'll still be alive to enjoy the rest of my night.
  • 1am: Sneaking through the woods to a dark cave with the boys of Dead Poets Society. Teenage highjinks, reading Whitman, Thoreau, Keats, Wordsworth, Shakespeare and a multitude of other poets aloud, pushing each other to accomplish our dreams by being inspired by poetry. A tad idealistic, but we could all use some innocent idealism, couldn't we? Plus, bonus, get to hang out with young Ethan Hawke, Robert Sean Leonard and Josh Charles - yay!
  • 5:30am: "Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the more pure." - The Princess Bride. Take part in one of the greatest kisses of all time. Westly and I will have just escaped the clutches of Prince Humperdink, along with trusted friends Inigo and Fezzik, and we share a kiss "that left all the others behind." Sounds good to me and young Carey Elwes was quite the dish. (I thought of finding a sex scene I'd love to be a part of, but decided that would probably be going too far, revealing a bit too much about myself, and definitely squicking all of you out!)
Now please post with some of your faves!


Andrea said...

As your sister, I definitely thank you for EX-cluding the sex scene. It's going a little too far. :)

As for my perfect day: In the morning, how about a run on the beach with what's-her-face from "Message in the Bottle"? I could find a romantic message from a guy still kind of weirdly in love with his dead wife. Exactly what I need. Hahahahah! Okay, getting serious here. :)

It would definitely include the snowball fight between Belle and The Beast from "Beauty and the Beast", also a game of Quidditch (with me as a Beater!) with Harry Potter against those nasty Slytherins, and then maybe an awesome rendition of "La Vive Bohem" with the cast of "Rent"--stick it to the man, bitches!

love you!

Al the Gal said...

You're welcome!

You almost got me with "Message in a Bottle" - strangely that is something that will probably happen to you. Can't wait!

Good picks - Quidditch especially would be awesome! And good on you for being a Beater and not being Harry the Seeker. A Beater would be a good way to get some rage out!

Just remembered something I meant to include on mine: that scene from "A Hard Day's Night" where the Beatles run around that open field, jumping and sprinting, and rolling around and laughing, all to the tune of "Can't Buy Me Love" - that would be fun!

Thanks for commenting! Love your ideas! :)

Heather said...

This is a really fun idea....Okay, just thinking about it quickly I know I would want to go hang out with Will Hunting & the gang at the Harvard Bar in Good Will Hunting, go to summer camp with the original Parent Trap girls, play on the Sandlot team & outsmart Michael Myers in the final scene of Halloween...just to name a few.