Much of my recent laziness in attending to my blog can be attributed to prepping things around the house for her arrival; the rest of the laziness I blame on an inability to make myself write and also to having a particularly nasty kink in my back that won't pop and won't let me sit upright for long periods of time. But I promise to get my ass in gear and write, although the next few weeks will probably be sparsely blogged as I'm getting all the Andrea-time in I can before she has to go back to San Francisco next month. I have a link to her blog posted and if anyone wants to read about her various Ghana adventures, please check it out. She is a great storyteller and has a much better voice as a writer than I ever will. Reading her stuff is like listening to her talk - and she's a clever girl! She also has more unbelievable and horrible things happen to her than anyone I've ever met: she's like the Bermuda Triangle and Murphy's Law combined!
Here are a few things to look forward to in the coming weeks:
- Sex and the City movie review
- Check This Out: Better Off Dead and Frailty
- My Perfect Day of Movie Scenes
- An Analysis of Across the Universe
- "Battlestar Galactica" Midseason Finale Madness!!!
- Essay: Use of Music in the Films of Sofia Coppola, Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorcese
- Update on the Quantum Hotness Principle
- My Favorite Moments in M. Night Shyamalan films
- Foray in Classic Musicals: Oklahoma and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Yay! Say Hi and welcome home to her for me!! :)
Have fun! Hope you can keep up your blogging though! ;)
Thanks girls! She got in safely (after a 3-hour delay that led to us getting home about 3:45am) and is currently in the middle of the sleeping marathon necessary after two days of flying. Yay!
Promise to post something tomorrow! :)
PS: I owe you an email, Sarah. Will get that done tonight. Love you!
Gal, I miss you over at my blog.....I've blogged twice this week & Zeb even blogged once. Groundbreaking.
Awww! I am currently the only one awake and wondering how debilitating this jet-lag will be, and thought I would check out your latest stuff. Thanks for the blog shout-out!
I would be offended about the murphy's law-bermuda triangle thing if it wasn't completely true.
love you!
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