Where to begin?
Earth is a nuclear wasteland leaving everyone in a deep depression. Roslin loses all faith in herself and in her Pithian prophecies, going as far as actually burning her bible. That's heartbreaking to watch. And Adama loses a daughter, sees his lover giving up, and decides to make Saul Frakking Tight shoot him in the head by making slanderous and mean comments about Ellen. Nice, Bill, real nice. Watching Roslin and Adama be so weak is not fun. At least one of them always has to be strong.
Starbuck creeped out the uncreep-out-able Leoban by finding her destroyed Viper and her own dead body inside. "What am I?" she asks. Hell if I know. I feel for you, girl! And what is this "harbinger of death" thing all about. I won't pretend to understand all of the prophecy and religious hoopla and destiny that this show spouts, but I am really confused as to what Kara can possibly be. She's not a Cylon, so how is she still alive? She's not a ghost. What the hell is going on?
After bucking up Lee and sharing one final kiss for old times sake, Lieutenant Anastasia Dualla smiles are herself in the mirror and shoots herself in the frakking head. Someone as strong as her committing suicide, completely giving up, is disturbing to say the least. Definintely one of the most shocking moments the show has ever had, and sure to leave it's mark on Adama, Lee and Felix, who was the last one to talk to the seemingly happy Dualla before she blew her brains out. I thought this meant she might be a Cylon (remember when Boomer shot herself in the face in Season 1) but alas, she's not coming back.
The 5th Cylon is none other that Ellen Tigh, which Saul figures out in a flashback to his time on Earth 2,000 years ago. Yep, that's right. Saul and Ellen Tigh, and the other final 4, all remember parts of the lives they led on a solely Cylon populated Earth 2,000 years ago. WTF? Cylons were the 13th tribe, not humans. That means that the humans on Caprica didn't really create the Cylons, at least not when they thought they did, because they existed before that. And from Tyrol's flashback, there were more than 12 models. Which makes me wonder - are the 12 models all that's left of the survivors from Earth's nuclear attack, or are only the Final Five from Earth? The humanoid models of Cylon - who created them? And where did Ellen download? How did the Final Four get reborn 2,000 years ago and end up on Earth? I am so confused, but hungry for the show to provide some answers, which I have no doubt they will.
A very satisfying 2-hour premiere. I'm glad the show isn't just focusing on the Oceanic Six, but also simultaneously showing what's happening on the island. I was afraid we'd go through 4-6 episodes just showing Jack and the rest getting to the island, then do a full flashback episode showing what the island has been going through in the meantime. I like it better this way.
I don't know about Ben. He seems to have the best intentions for gathering the Oceanic Six and Locke's body together, but an interesting point of contention: Alpert told Locke that the only way to save the island was for them to come back, not that they could save their friends if they came back. So Ben's intention is to save the island right? Save it from what - what happens to it? I'm also confused as to why they have to come back to save the island when it seemed like Ben turning the wheel, not them leaving, is what led to this skipping through time hellhole?
I love seeing Hurley and Sayid together - as usual Hurley has a lot of mood-lifting lines and his flashback was hilarious and crazy. Although how are they gonna get him out of the murder rap now? (How cool was Sayid using the dishwasher as a weapon?!!?) Shouldn't it be evident that the deaths in the safe house were self-defense, not straight out murder? As for Kate, I was getting some seriously creepy undertones from Sun that make me think she has crossed over to the dark side and may not have forgiven Kate at all. I really hope Jin is still alive out there.
Also hoping that we see more of magical, able to change time Desmond in the future. The show is always better when he's around.
Some questions: Who is trying to kill the Oceanic Six? Is it Widmore trying to get to Ben? Does Sun know?
When Locke skips through time on the island, the Others don't. Why not? Are they too connected to the island? Is that why Alpert doesn't age? I don't get that.
Also, does Locke manage to get of the island pretty quickly, during one of the time skips to the present, or has everyone on the island been skipping through time for 3 years? Has it felt like 3 years to them?
I'm sure most of this will get explained, but for now I'm hooked.
Are you mocking me? Cause I don't take kindly to people talking smack about BSG!
No, I am just utterly confused. I heart you!
Apparently you heart everyone today.
I'm confused too. But that's why I watch them. GG gives me relationship melodrama and pop culture banter, and Lost & BSG give me "What the hell was that? Tune in next week and maybe we'll tell you!" :)
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