Said it before and I'll say it again - just watched Martin Scorcese's The Age of Innocence (though I watched it on youtube, which can't be a fair representation of his work) and Daniel Day-Lewis rocked in it!!! Honestly, the
So why am I gushing about his now instead of 6 months ago when he won every conceivable acting award for his performance in There Will Be Blood and accepted them all with unparalleled graciousness (even giving George Clooney a kiss on the head at the Oscars)? Because I recently watched, and remembered, how much I freaking love him
Yes, it's a twofer this time (look for that again in "What I Love Right Now", coming next week!) But just as I have rediscovered Daniel Day-Lewis by watching some of his older work, I also rediscovered Johnny Depp by watching Benny & Joon, What's Eating Gilbert Grape?, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Edward Scissorhands all on the same day. It was a work out. The truth is, I watch the majority of these films for the commentaries (another thing I love right now) but then rewatched the films without the commentaries immediately after because I had forgotten how much I love them. Benny & Joon especially I hadn't watched in years. It's one of Depp's best performances actually, and he precisely imitates an entire range of Buster Keaton gags, yet makes it his own without the character's emotional truth having to rest on these physical expressions. He's just so vulnerable and lovably odd in this movie. And to follow that with his wonderfully nuanced, ordinary, (and again, vulnerable), portrayal of Gilbert was very impressive. Also one of the best actors of his generation, it's not like this is news to anyone - everyone knows Depp is a great actor who specializes in oddballs - but it is fun to go back and rediscover an actor's work.
Wait - how can you watch an entire movie on youtube?
People post them in 10-minute sections, but the entire movie is there, in order, part 1-whatever. I can't believe they get away with posting them because youtube has taken down shipper vids for copyright violation infractions no where near as bad as posting an entire frickin' movie, but they are there.
And I'm more than happy to take advantage of it by watching movies that aren't particularly necessary to rent, but I don't mind watching, or movies that American Family Video doesn't carry (there are a lot of them).
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