Holy Frak! After what, in my mind anyways, was already a very stellar season, the midseason finale went above and beyond awesome! I feel like most of this season was a lot of character development and small plot points that led up to an episode full of action and tension.
First up: Saul "Mother-Frakking" Tigh! My, my he was amazing! In the first couple seasons, I really didn't care for the boozey blowhard, but he has really come into his own in Seasons 3 and 4. Particularly his devotion to Adama is touching, and I've really liked his determination to stay the man he wants to be, in spite of the recent discovery of his Cylon heritage. I think his relationship with Caprica Six is fascinating (they have yet to really delve into the craziness of a Cylon/Cylon pregnancy yet! Do they even understand how awesome that is?) and I think Michael Hogan's work as been consistantly extraordinary. The best one-eyed acting around - he makes that eye do some incredible emoting! And in the finale he was so brave and noble! I just about shed a tear when he offered to let himself be airlocked! Because of course he would really do it! He's Saul "Mother Frakking" Tigh!!! He's gone from being one of my least favorite to the top of the list!
It was nice to see Lee finally get some balls! I'm glad that ultimately he didn't have to airlock any of the three Cylons (because I love them all) but I was glad he had the nerve to make a hard decision and stick to it. D'Anna was ruthless and as much as I hate the Cylon-haters, I understand the necessity of that action. Lee grew up in my eyes a lot in this episode. I was also glad to see some renewed connection between him and Starbuck. I don't mind them as a couple, but I really dig them as friends and as kind-of siblings.
Tory continues to drop in my esteem, although I do find her character interesting. I loved Anders and Tyrol's reactions to being outed, as well as Anders pleas to Kara to just check out the Viper. I really hope Kara doesn't break his heart. Although they were creepy, I kind of loved Tyrol's amused expressions, as if he had just been waiting for the day he was discovered to arrive and chose to be amused by it, rather than angry or scared. I'm so anxious to find out what happens with him in the future. I also adored Balter: he humbly thanked Roslin and volunteered to talk D'Anna down. His words to her actually seemed genuine and like he has learned some lessons. James Callis continues to rock as an actor!
Adama's humiliating breakdown was tough to watch, although I completely understand why it had to happen. Damn, leading this fleet is stressful! But love the support he got from Lee, and especially Roslin. I really hope we get to see them functioning as an actual couple in the second half of the season.
The last 10 minutes of the episode were stunning! I was crying all over the place. The joy on everyone's faces, Roslin's relief, Lee's eyes glazing, Tyrol with his kid, Helo and Athena hugging (the camera suggestively focused on Hera in that scene - creepy!), the cheering amongst all the crew....only to have them desolately walk the shore of post-apocalyptic Earth. That was devastating. The camera work was beautiful, everyone got to have their moment alone on screen. Roslin sounded dead, Kara looked shattered, and I was glad Leoban and Caprica Six were allowed on shore as well. I can't believe the show gave us Earth so soon; it seems like there isn't enough plot for 10 more episodes, which makes me so excited to see what they come up with because the road map - to find Earth - is gone! What's next!
As for the most important question raised (at least for me): Who is that Final Cylon?
D'Anna seemed to know that there were only 4 in the fleet which means 3 possibilities to me; one being that the final Cylon is not in the military fleet, but in the civilian. However, this seems unlikely, and would only leave Romo Lampkin as a possibility. The other two are much more interesting:
- Someone who is already dead: Many people have guessed that Ellen Tigh is a Cylon, and that would certainly be a trip to see her come back from the dead. Plus, she died on New Caprica, so D'Anna would possibly be aware of her death. The deaths of Billy, Zak Adama, Starbuck's mother and more all occured earlier as well. Could be any of them. But some other dead possibilities, (Kat or Cally?), died after D'Anna was boxed so it seems unlikely she would be aware of their passing.
- Someone who was already on the Basestar: The fact that she didn't expose this person makes it odd, but the chances that Roslin, Helo or Baltar are the final Cylon just rose exponentially. She wouldn't need to ask them to reveal themselves as she already had that person in her possession. But I'm still not sure.
As for the last 10 episodes, we still don't know what the hell happened to Starbuck or how she got in that Viper. It seems unlikely she is a Cylon, but her destiny is still up for grabs: the Hybrid said she was the "harbinger of death....you will lead them to their end, Kara Thrace." Who knows where that could lead. Also, her relationship with Anders is unclear. She didn't shoot him, and they were standing next to each other on Galactica, but the reveal of his Cylonicity has to throw her for a loop. I expect some drama there.
And as I mentioned above, we now have a Cylon/Cylon pregnancy! This suggests the Final Five are different in some way from the original 7, or has Cylon reproduction always been possible? Is the baby Caprica Six told Baltar was there's really Hera? Or was it her own? I'm confused. Not to mention, we still don't understand the meaning behind the Opera House visions shared by Roslin, Athena, Caprica Six and Hera. What is Hera's destiny? Does Nicky (Tyrol/Cally's Cylon baby) have a role to play? People will have to realize that Hera isn't the only Cylon/Human hybrid any longer.
A final wish: I really want to see Boomer again. I want to see her reunited with the fleet. I want to see her happy. I want to see her complete and loved. And I want her to see Chief Tyrol again. He's single and a Cylon now.... Can't we get those kids together?!?!?
P.S. Btw Heather - Roslin, Helo and Baltar were all at risk of being blown up, while Tyrol, Tigh and Anders could have been airlocked. It was very close and not a completely ridiculous fear! ; )
Awesome episode. I'm pretty sure I like BSG more than Lost
The last cylon has to be someone we've seen before that is still alive. I would be fine if it was Helo but it's probably Baltar or Madam President.
p.s we are nerds
I think BSG has more interesting, complex, rounded characters than Lost, which makes it better all-around.
I agree - it has to be someone we've seen before and bringing Ellen back from the dead just doesn't pack the same punch as "Hey, Madame Airlock - you're a Cylon, bitch!" I'd be cool with it being Helo as well (plus then Hera is actually the first Cylon/Cylon child) but I'm starting to lean towards it being Baltar more and more. I dunno.
We are beyond nerds.
You should watch Razor while you wait for the end of the season
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