LOST (2004 - present)
Although my parents have been avid fans from day 1, I never really watched "Lost" before. As most of the general populace is aware, I knew who most of the characters were, wondered about the hatch, was excited to see Kate and Sawyer get it on, and bummed to learn that Charlie had died. But with the exception of the odd episode here and there, I never watched it or really cared to.
Within this flash-forward concept, rather than philosophical musings about island mysteries, we get some concrete answers to understandable questions. In the past 5 episodes alone, we have learned that yes, 6 people will get off the island. We know that Jack and Hurley will feel guilty about an event that occurs in order to get them off. We know that something horrible happens to Sayid that guilts him into working for Ben. We know that Ben and Sayid are taking out a list of people, most likely connected to Mr. Abbadon, a possible threat to people still on the island. And we know that Kate has a child, and it's Aaron! Claire's son!!! And now, the questions I have are real and they have a time-stamp! Rather than mystical correlations between Jacob's cabin and Locke, or why those specific numbers, I am now able to focus on realistic problems. Don't get me wrong - those mystical questions are still important and relevant, I'm sure, but it's a lot more fun to muse about material events than confusing other-worldly ideas that won't become clear for a very long time.
So now I'm hooked, theorizing like the rest of the Lost geeks - although I haven't entered any kind of shipperdom or extreme fanbase (as of yet). I've been burned by sci-fi before - shows that got me all riled up about all their mysteries, and then didn't deliver on a single one! But I think "Lost" knows what it's doing and it is such a great ride! All I need to do now is rent the first three seasons over the summer and life will be hunky dory! And did I mention that Naveen Andrews (Sayid) is looking pretty damn tasty?!?!! New TV crush alert!
The latest episode was amazing!
Yes it was. Also really liked the one with Sayid's flashforwards (and not just cause he's cute) but they were really interesting.
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